"We have been cheated",says Neetu,the president of the TCKS."Vijay Mallya named his airlines after kingfisher,a rival bird without having the slightest consideration for us."Crows who have gathered outside Vijay Mallya's house have been there for past 12 hours, shouting slogans which translated by one of the bird specialists means"cholbe naa cholbe naa(Wont work Wont work)" and shitting on each and every person that is visiting Viajy Mallya."It has been a terrible sight at the Playboy's house,"reports our senoir journalist.He has to cancel all the meetings since all his visitors have been the targets of the crows.However the kith and kin of the playboy have been spotted walking with umbrellas."It is terrible,"says a dear one of the tycoon."We have been unable to walk outside the house because of the protests.It has been a flood of crow shit outside our house."
The crows on the other side have said that they will continue their agitation in the same way until and unless Mallya renames his airline after their community."We have been the foremost leaders in the birds society.We have been here since time immemorial.We deserve due respect",said one of the senior leaders of the TCKS."Yes,crows have been there since the birth of Lord Krishna.I have seen them in Ramanand Sagar's Jai Shree Krishna,even though we played the role of villains.But don't you respect Amrish Puri?"said a young activist of the society."Even Baba knows this fact.You can confirm with him."Baba on the other hand has not said anything on the matter."Anything I say can go against the two parties.I rather prefer to stay mum,"Baba said when he was asked to confirm history.
Our journalists tried to take the opinion of the elderly crows on the situation."Look first he named his airline after the kingfisher bird.We had grudges but we did not say anything.He poses with nude girls.We didn't have any problem.Now he named his beer after the bird.This is ridiculous.We have been ill-treated.We do not get due respect in the bird society because of our colour.We are treated like Afro-Americans.And now we do not get any name in the work that we do best,fly,"said an elderly crow confirming that racism still exists in the bird society.A young crow seconded to the opinion of the elder crow."We are often referred as blackie by other pigeon kids.What can we do if we are black?We have stopped playing with them now and also do not share our bat and ball with them."
"Our comunity is the very best in flying.The next closest rivals are eagles.But we can defeat them in a flying competition,"said the president of the society.He even cited examples to show the superiority of the community."Once a kingfisher flight was on its way from Pune to Delhi.One of our activists followed it.He then sped up,overtook the plane and even showed his middle finger to the pilot.The pilot was dumb-struck after seeing this.You can confirm it with the pilot himself.Our young activist also said that the air-hostesses were damn hot in the airlines.But that is getting off-topic"
Meanwhile things have worsened after Vijay Mallya refused to accept the demands of the community."This is insane.I cannot name my airlines after this ugly community.Can you imagine people asking for tickets for crow airlines and young students asking for crow beer?I will be laughed at globally.This is never going to happen."
"This had to happen.We have been badly treated everywhere.Pigeons say they are better looking than us and are also fairer.Cuckoo lays its eggs in our nest.We are peaceful birds and hatch their eggs thinking that our babies will come out of the eggs.And yet,pigeons are considered to be the signs of peace.Our children refuse to go to school as they are badly treated there by children of other birds.Whenever we try to hit on doves,we are often imprisoned or fined but nothing happens to the pigeons when they hit on doves.Even though we are the majority group in the community,we do not get our rights,"Neetu,the president said.
Vijay Malya has refused to talk to any of the crow leaders."I am suffering losses worth crores of rupees because of the protest.They have dropped their shit on me 5 times.Still I am not going to make compromises on the name of my company,"said a very adamant Mallya.The crows have also told us that they shall not stop protesting unless and until Mallya apologizes and names his company after their community."The kingfisher is an unlucky bird.Haven't you seen his team Royal Challengers Bangalore lose everytime in the IPL!"said a very old crow who is known for his black magic in the community.
In the mean time ,Police has been called at the site but there is nothing much they can do to bring law and order in the situation."They keep shitting on us and we cannot shoot at them,so we just shoo them away."Said DSP Rajendra Baniya.
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